Elderly Winners! With the past into the future!

We are a group of citizens concerned with the current pandemic situation around the globe and particularly in the Douro. Together with the institutions and businesses of the region we want to kickstart a crowdfunding initiative in order to fund COVID-19 tests for the workers and elders at the nursing homes and equipment for individual safety.

The current global situation represents a great danger for nursing homes due to a lack of tests in particular places in the Douro, motivating us to kickstart this initiative.
We want to help all those that helped build historic DOURO, considered a World Heritage Site, all our elders that were heroes yesterday but are today the most fragile ones.
It is by looking to the past that one builds the future. If we are what we are it is because of those that fought for us on the past, we are what we are because of the love that we once received on the past, we are what we are because someone gave us knowledge on the past, we are what we are because WE ARE HERE TO HELP.

Our project is a group of two phases: the 1st phase, dedicated to research and crowdfunding/distribution and the 2nd phase, dedicated to executing.
The 1st phase will start with research, dedicated to identifying institutions, companies and other citizens who are eager to help. Next, we will gather the funds necessary to fulfill all the goals and distribute the money between the different nursing homes in Santa Marta de Penaguião according to needs.

The 2nd phase will be dedicated to run COVID-19 tests according to the best practices, guaranteeing that these are done safely for both the elders and the workers.
With this in mind, we want to request all the institutions, companies and citizens. We hope that you can help us protect those that are dear to us and to be part of our solidarity project “Elderly Winners”.